Study Coordinator Recruitment Animation.mp4

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🌐 Overview

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Study Coordinator | Expression of Interest

Study Coordinators | Platform Instructions



The Macro Adoption Team are delighted to announce that the Macro Adoption Project is now reaching the widest BIM community to recruit Study Coordinators (SC) worldwide for data collection campaigns. We are looking forward to working with colleagues and collaborators from every continent. For more information about the eligibility criteria, please read this page.

The Macro Adoption Project has three types of complementary Macro Adoption Studies for which we are looking to recruit study coordinators:

Study Types

Study Type Description Data Collection Participants
[OA] - Organisational Adoption

| Aims to establish the adoption of digital transformation tools, workflows, and protocols within organisations across a defined market. | Data will be collected using open surveys targeted at a sample of small and large organisations across disciplines and specialities. | In collaboration with local partners (including not-for-profit and for-profit entities). | | [EL] - Education Landscape | Aims to establish the diffusion of digital transformation topics, collaborative educational practices, and relevant information management qualifications across educational institutions and programmes within a defined market. | Data will be collected through invitation surveys conducted in collaboration with prominent local institutions. | In this study, there are academics holding a teaching/research position or in charge of educational policy or BIM diffusion in the region. | | [PE] - Policy Environment | Aims to establish whether, when, and how policies are being enacted by policymakers to facilitate BIM adoption and digital transformation across a defined market. | Data will be collected through invitation surveys and facilitated workshops. | In this study, there are government agencies and macro-policy influencers from not-for-profit institutions. |

After we capture this data, we will generate free reports and interactive online dashboards that will provide policymakers with a global view of BIM adoption trends and the many lessons to be learned from different markets and regions.


Study Coordinators are individuals representing a public organisation, a university, or a not-for-profit association or community group. As a study coordinator, you are part of a Region Team Organisation (see Figure). You will vet and invite Study Participants to take part in the studies and work directly with your Region Liaison. You may undertake one or more Study Types and also act as the Region Liaison. The Region Liaison will be in direct contact with a Macro Adoption Team Member (Bilal Succar, Mohamad Kassem, Eduardo Toledo, Danny Murguia or Cristiane Magalhães).

Overview Region Team Organisation

Overview Region Team Organisation

Study Timeline

A Study Coordinator will manage a Study Type in four main stages according to the following timeline:

  1. Stage 1: Preparation (8 weeks)
    1. Accept the Collaboration Agreement
    2. Review the relevant Study Protocol
    3. Attend a start-up meeting with the project team members
    4. Complete a dry-run study on the assessment platform
    5. Identify potential study participants