This 611in Macro Adoption Collaboration Agreement (Agreement) clarifies the roles, rights, and responsibilities of the parties interested in joining the BIMe Initiative Macro Adoption Project (Project). By signing this document, the signatories agree to collaborate towards developing and delivering a Macro Assessment (Study) within a defined market, country, state, or region, (Defined Market) in accordance with the BIMe Initiative General Principles (Principles) and the sponsorship guidance provided in the 901in Sponsorship Guide (Sponsorship Guide) and the 903in Macro Adoption Sponsorship Addendum (Sponsorship Addendum).
The BIMe Initiative Macro Adoption Project is a collaborative research effort led by Dr. Bilal Succar, Prof. Mohamad Kassem, Assistant Prof. Eduardo Toledo Santos, Assistant Prof. Danny Murguia, and Dr. Cristiane Ramos Magalhães. The project relies on the active participation of associations, universities, and other institutions (Organisations) that share the Project Objectives, agree to the Privacy Policy, and sign this Agreement.
This Agreement covers the collaborative delivery of complementary Macro Adoption Study Types:
The Agreement Summary below clarifies the names of Study Coordinators, the number and types of Studies to be conducted, the duration of study activities, and the responsibilities of each party.
Party 1: The BIMe Initiative represented by Name of Macro Adoption Team Member (Team Member)
Party 2: Name of organisation (Abrv) represented by **Names of individuals (Study Coordinator).
Together, the above named are the Parties to this Agreement.
The Study will cover Defined Region (Defined Region).
The Study will start on Start Date (Start Date) for a total of Defined Duration (Defined Duration) which is defined as part of this Agreement.
This Agreement includes the following particulars: