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Welcome to the Macro Adoption Project!

The Macro Adoption Project is part of the not-for-profit BIMe Initiative and is an important part of its Vision and Mission.

Project Objectives

The Macro Adoption Project aims to assist policymakers in developing and/or assessing the macro BIM diffusion policies, strategies and plans within their respective markets. The goal is to accelerate BIM adoption across markets by assisting policymakers to learn from each other and share the best ways to guide all construction industry stakeholders in their digital transformation journey. The project includes multiple microprojects (refer to 103in) and has the following main objectives:

Identify the key metrics that provide the best adoption indicators across regions

Monitor the diffusion of BIM across countries through repeat assessments and data analytics

Monitor the effect of policies and mandates on BIM adoption and stakeholder behaviour

Collate and openly share the BIM adoption lessons learned with all stakeholders

Assist policymakers and educators in evaluating, developing or improving their BIM adoption strategies and educational frameworks

The Macro Adoption Project relies on 10+ years of ongoing research with multiple peer-reviewed papers published to date. The project will deliver a Macro Adoption Report and a Macro Adoption Guide to facilitate BIM policy development, and a dedicated Online Dashboard to openly share raw Macro Assessment data for all to benefit from and freely reuse.

Macro Adoption Project Timeline

Macro Adoption Project Timeline

Phase III - Macro Adoption Study Flow

Phase III - Macro Adoption Study Flow

Macro Adoption Studies

This project will collect and analyze macro adoption data from across the world through three complementary types of studies. Collecting data and developing actionable reports relies on the participation of vetted Study Coordinators. To learn more about the Macro Adoption studies and the eligibility criteria to become a Study Coordinator, please refer to the Study Explainer page.